Sunday, September 4, 2011

River Meadows Yurt Village Day 3 Sunday tell you a bit about yurt camping. There are 6 yurts here. 3 yurts are 20' diameter and sleep 8. One of those is "deluxe" with a deck over looking the meadow (sweet, but double the price). The other 3 yurts are 16' and sleep 5. Yurts have been used for thousands of years by nomadic peoples of Central Asia. These are made by Pacific Yurts.

Each yurt has a door that locks and a skylight. They also have a heater and electricity. HELLO! Can you really call this camping? We could see the plethora (!) of people smashed together down over the meadow...RVs, tents, campers, pop-ups who were all slumming it compared to our posh amenities! We really like this camping option and plan to yurtcation up the Oregon coast next spring as we visit the lighthouses. If we can arrange a bigger vehicle or a huge rooftop carrier, it's a go!

There's a separate bathroom building with 6 private bathrooms. Each bathroom has it's own key and includes a toilet, sink and shower (bring quarters). The grounds are immaculate.

The yurt village is connected by a gravel path though part of it is paved for wheelchair accessibility. And the county provides large carts in which to load your stuff and transport to your yurt.

Our yurt was 16' diameter and had everything we needed to have a very comfortable stay outdoors.

All this fun for only $45 per night!

Yurtastic Labor Day Weekend:
This is the post for Sunday.
Saturday is here.
Friday is here.

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