Saturday, September 3, 2011

River Meadows Yurt Day 2 Saturday

Saturday morning we awoke and everyone else had a campfire going and the kids begged for one. STICKS, Sticks, sticks! Both Sarah and Daniel love poking the fire. See Sarah with her "Smoke-ler". I love that photo of Daniel with the skylight reflecting in his glasses.

After breakfast, we headed down to the Stillaguamish River. Sarah built a rock tower that did not topple over until we knocked it down, amazing. Dan and John had a ball floating with the current (once they got in...brrrrrrrr)! Sarah and John skipped rocks and I sat in my camp chair and watched it all. LOTS of people floated down the river on Saturday because it was in the 80s and gorgeous! Then we walked back across the meadow to the yurt. I'm not even going to go into dinnertime...suffice it to say we went into town to get fast food and BARELY made it back before DARK! Of course, the highlight is the campfire and SMORES!

Just a note about see, planning a camping trip is one thing...but planning a camping trip AND planning menus and packing and preparing food is beyond my abilities at this time! Now that we've ventured out on our own for the first time, I feel ready to tackle that challenge. This trip we ate dinner at home Friday night, Saturday breakfast was hard boiled eggs and Medifast bar, lunch was our Snak Paks, dinner we did Subway/McDonald's salads. Sunday breakfast same eggs and bars and lunch again Snak Paks.

Yurtastic Labor Day Weekend:
This is the post for Saturday.
Sunday is here.
Friday is here.

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